🛡 Clubs and Leagues
What are Clubs?
Want to join forces with other players as you build up your Kingdoms together? Well, once you reach level 3 you can join Clubs! To join a Cl...
What are Leagues?
Leagues create a fun competitive environment that allows you and your club to win some awesome in-game bonus rewards! In order to compete, s...
How do I leave a Club?
Leaving a Club is easy. Simply head to your Club tab, go to the top right corner, and click on the small "i" button. This will open up a pop...
Can Clubs be edited once made?
Once Clubs are made and finalized, a few changes may be made. These include changing your Club banner, profile photo, description, and ...
How do I promote a Club member?
Are you an owner of a Club and notice one of your members going above and beyond? Give them the recognition they deserve by turning them int...
How do I demote a Club member?
Did you just recently promote a Club member and notice they are taking advantage of their newfound power? Simply take away their permissions...
How do I kick or remove a Club member?
Are you the owner of a Club or a captain and want to kick or remove a member? Just start by tapping on their name. Then click the red button...